The Dean 面议
Recruitment Announcement for Dean of the University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
- 报名方式:站内投递
- 需求专业(供参考): 专业未分类
●set the strategic vision and provide leadership in the JI’s pursuit of its goal of providing high-quality undergraduate and graduate education, and research;
●recruit and maintain an excellent faculty body;
●create and support educational and research programs of the highest quality;
●attract excellent undergraduate and graduate students;
●create collaborative opportunities with other schools and units within both SJTU and the U-M;
●provide leadership and guide fundraising and development initiatives to support JI’s priorities.
●enhance productive relationships with alumni, donors, and local, national, and international communities;
The Dean of the JI plays a major leadership role within the broader SJTU community, stimulating and facilitating synergistic collaborations with other schools and colleges, and providing a testbed for Western models of education and research at a Chinese campus.
The next dean must have the following qualifications:
●An earned doctorate and a record of scholarly achievement appropriate for an appointment at the level of Professor with Tenure in a department within the Joint Institute. The individual should be an internationally recognized scholar with the desire, ability, and vision to lead an organization that is at the forefront of developing new models for research and scholarship, and graduate and undergraduate education within China;
●A record of progressive and visionary academic leadership experience in higher education. The candidate must possess demonstrated effectiveness in planning, administration, and personnel and fiscal management;
●Demonstrated substantial evidence of leading sustainable transformation in diversity and inclusion initiatives and a strong ability to recruit excellent faculty;
●Effectiveness in working with a diverse student body, faculty, staff, other university constituents, and external organizations;
●Ability to work collaboratively with academic units and international partners to create curricular and co-curricular components that advance student experiences and research partnerships;
●A high level of administrative acumen, enabling them to lead a unit (the Joint Institute) that operates under different academic and procedural rules than its host institution (SJTU). As an example, the Joint Institute follows practices that are typical of the US academic system in supporting the career progression of its faculty, while SJTU embraces Chinese practices in this domain;
●An understanding of operating and governance structures in both Chinese and US academic systems. Additionally, familiarity with the U-M or SJTU (or both) governance structures is a valuable addition to a candidate’s profile;
Applications Materials
Applications should include a CV and cover letter that articulates the candidate’s interest in the deanship at the Joint Institute.

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