
书院院长 面议

  • 招若干人
  • 本科
  • 深圳
需求专业(供参考): 专业未分类
截止日期:2022-10-31 2022-10-26发布


  • 报名方式:站内投递
  • 需求专业(供参考): 专业未分类
The College Master is appointed to head the residential college. He/she is required to provide leadership and direction to steer the development of the College. The Master oversees the administration, management and operation of the College including planning the curricula and programmes in the College, planning and overseeing the College operating budget, actively involving in the administration of freshmen, and the selection of students to stay in the College; is responsible for the overall welfare, discipline and quality of the residential life for the students who reside in the College including formulating and implementing the College’s crisis plan, conflict mediation, crisis intervention, and serving as the Commander in the event of crisis; fostering strong affiliation among residents and alumni to the University. The College Master will be a member of the University senior management team, reporting to the President via the Vice-President (External and Student Affairs). Salary and benefits package for the position will be internationally competitive, commensurate with experience and accomplishments.
1.Maintain full residence in the apartment provided in the Residential College throughout the term of service;
2.Be dedicated to the whole-person education, warm hearted in dealing with student affairs, enthusiastic about “combining tradition and modernity, integrating China and the West”;
3.Have a high level of honesty and integrity, and commitment to make a difference to the life of students who reside in the College;
4.Have good leadership, team spirit, and role model conduct; and the ability to execute duties and responsibilities in a matured, rational, consistent and fair manner;
5.Discharge their duties and responsibilities fully and up to the end of their term of service;
6.Be prompt in response to emergencies and crisis cases in the College and manage them appropriately;
7.Have passion, devotion and commitment to build the College under the operating environment in the Mainland;
8.Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills to engage both internal and external stakeholders effectively.

Salary and Benefits
Commensurate to the personal qualifications, internationally competitive, with university benefits.
Application Procedure
Applications and nominations should be sent in strict confidence to the specified mailbox.  Consideration of applications/nominations will continue until the position is filled.



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