首页 > 科技人才> 深圳湾实验室2024年外事行政助理崗(綜合部)招聘公告








【深圳灣實驗室簡介 About SZBL





Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, referred to as SZBL hereafter, is a newly established Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. Located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual hub dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases.

The overarching goal of SZBL is to provide full-spectrum approaches to disease prevention and intervention from basic research to bedside. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and infectious diseases.

As a rapidly growing institution, SZBL has set up 14 institutes and centers academic units), built state-of-the-art core facilities and attracted more than 100 world-class research groups with multidisciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise to push forward the vision of Science for Global Health.


【崗位職責 Responsibilities

1. 協助籌備和安排領導出訪行程,準備出訪所需材料;

2. 負責接待外賓來訪,安排會議和參訪等事宜;

3. 協助組織國際學術交流活動,如學術研討會、學術講座;

4. 協助與境外機構聯絡,參與國際合作交流相關工作;

5. 跟蹤科研機構國際化發展方向、國際合作動態,定期做好外事情報收集,以供領導審閱;

6. 起草領導講話稿、擬寫外事相關工作報告;

7. 完成領導交辦的其他的工作。


1. Coordinate leadership's overseas visit itineraries and prepare necessary documentation.

2. Manage reception of foreign guests, arrange meetings, and coordinate visits.

3. Organize international academic exchange activities such as seminars and lectures.

4. Liaise with overseas institutions and engage in international cooperation initiatives.

5. Monitor global developments in research institutions, gather foreign affairs intelligence, and provide updates to leadership.

6. Draft speeches and reports on foreign affairs-related matters for leadership.

7. Undertake additional tasks delegated by leadership.


【崗位要求 Requirements

1. 本科或碩士學歷,生物、化學、醫學、英語等相關專業優先;

2. 具備生物醫藥背景,對該領域有一定瞭解,能夠理解和處理相關專業術語和內容;

3. 能夠熟練運用英語工作,有海外留學經驗者或香港籍優先;

4. 具備良好的組織協調能力和團隊合作精神,能夠在壓力下高效工作;

5. 具備良好的跨文化溝通能力和應變能力;

6. 具有科研管理、會議組織、國際交流相關工作經驗者優先考慮。


1. Bachelor's or master's degree, preferably in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, English, or related fields.

2. Background in biomedicine with a solid grasp of relevant terminology and concepts.

3. Proficiency in English; candidates with overseas study experience or holding Hong Kong ID are preferred.

4. Exceptional organizational and coordination abilities, combined with a collaborative mindset and capacity to perform effectively under pressure.

5. Excellent cross-cultural communication skills and adaptability.

6. Preferred experience in scientific research management, conference organization, and international exchange.


【薪資福利 Remuneration

1. 薪資待遇:提供具有競爭力的薪酬待遇,具體薪資根據應聘者經歷和資質面議,符合政策要求的,可享受個人所得稅優惠;

2. 基本保障:按照深圳市繳費比例上限繳納五險一金,享受國家法定節假日、帶薪年休假等假期;

3. 特色福利:員工年度健康體檢、補充醫療保險、免費班車、員工活動、節日慰問等;

4. 工作環境:提供國際水準的研究條件和工作環境,包括充足的研究經費,尖端的技術支撐平臺,跨國界的人才資源等;

5. 人才激勵:根據《深圳市進一步支援港澳青年就業創業實施細則》相關政策,實驗室全力協助香港籍青年申請人才補貼及榮譽稱號;

6. 生活關懷:按照深圳市及實驗室規定,協助申請公租房和子女入園/學等事宜。


A competitive annual remuneration commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. For Hong Kong ID holders, SZBL will help apply for subsidies and supports offered by Shenzhen according to the policies. Besides, SZBL provides international research conditions, facilities, work environment as well as a wide range of benefits or services, including social insurance, provident fund, annual leave, holiday gifts, accommodation and shuttle bus service.



【應聘方式 Application


方式一:在實驗室招聘官網 https://szbl.zhiye.com/ 線上提交應聘資料;

方式二:將應聘資料以電子郵件形式發送至 hr_recruit@szbl.ac.cn (郵件標題為“應聘崗位名稱-姓名-高校人才網”)。應聘資料包含:1.完整的個人簡歷;2.學歷學位證明;3.其它工作能力證明材料(如有)。



Applicants who are interested in the position can submit application online https://szbl.zhiye.com/ or send a detailed CV by email hr_recruit@szbl.ac.cn. Due to the limited quota of the position, only shortlisted candidates will receive further notice and be invited for interview.


【聯繫諮詢 Contact

徐老師 Mr. Xuhr_recruit@szbl.ac.cn


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